
The Ice Age Animal Park

The goal the Neanderthal Animal Park has set itself is the keeping of rare Ice Age animals in an ethical, species-appropriate manner. The park has pursued this goal since its founding, in 1935, by the Neandertal Nature Conservation Society. In the park's extensive open-air enclosures live European bison, as well as animals which have been 'back-bred' to resemble aurochs and tarpan (Eurasian wild horse), both of which became extinct in Europe centuries ago.

Aurochs and tarpan were the ancestors of today's domestic cattle and horses. As such, modern cattle and horses carry the genetic inheritance of those extinct species within them. By cross-breeding modern species and selecting for traits exhibited by aurochs and tarpan, animals were produced that closely resemble their ancestors.

You can support the Neandertal Nature Conservation Society and the animal park by adopting one of the animals.

If you are interested, please contact:

Naturschutzverein Neandertal e.V.
Otto Kahm
Düsseldorfer Str. 3
40822 Mettmann
Tel: 02104.25273
Email: otto.kahm@gmail.com

Kreis Mettmann
Eiszeitliches Wildgehege Neandertal

Thekhauser Quall 2
40699 Erkrath
Tel. 0173 2817352
Email: wildgehege-neandertal@kreis-mettmann.de

Tarpan in the Animal Park

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