
The Neanderthal Museum

Neanderthal Museum Gebaeude
Neanderthal Museum Gebaeude ©Neanderthal Museum

On October 10th, 1996, close to the site where the most famous of all human fossils was discovered in 1856, the new Neanderthal Museum was opened. After decades of constant endeavour, the efforts to create a museum possessed of the size and facilities to do justice to this world-renowned location came to fruition.

With around 160,000 visitors per year, the Neanderthal Museum is among the most popular archaeological museums in Germany. The museum's multimedia installations have garnered numerous national and international awards and underwent a comprehensive modernisation in 2006.

Your kind donations, endowments, and bequests help to ensure the further success of the museum and its projects. In this way you can support the acquisition of new exhibits, make special exhibitions possible, or support the development of the next generation of researchers.

© 2024 · Stiftung Neanderthal Museum